All Shook Up

I know, I know, I’ve been scarce lately. Summers are crazy for everyone, but just when things settled down, lunch with a fellow writer shook them back up.We got on the subject of conferences and how neither of us is going to ACFW this year. I told her I’d considered going to the Oregon Christian Writers Conference because a friend of mine is the director, and the agent I want to pitch to will be there. However, I wanted the book to be done and spit polished before I pitch. She strongly encouraged me to go anyway, so when I got home I e-mailed one of the mentors at My Book Therapy who is familiar with the story. She told me to go, too. When I told Eric about it, he said, “Bye.” Yes. He is my hero. And my biggest fan.

It’s all been pretty surreal, but I did get separate confirmation. A couple days after I registered, I was going through the mail and casually mentioned to Eric that if I’m going to Oregon, I guess I better buy airline tickets. I mean, it’s only 2,000 miles one way. That’s when I found a check from my former boss. She’d gone over the books and found two paychecks I hadn’t cashed. It didn’t cover all of the airfare, but it made buying them a lot less painful!

Long story short, I’m working like a fiend to get everything ready. I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one seeing God’s fingerprints all over this!

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