Ciao!  It hardly seems possible, but here I am in the internet cafe, fighting a European keyboard, blogging the end of our tour here.   We’re back in the hotel and we leave in ten days.  Tomorrow is Alex’s birthday, and Eric’s is Thursday.  Tomorrow is swimming and pizza, and Thursday we’ll get gussied up and go to see Madame Butterfly at the Arena.  That will be cool!

Anyway, there isn’t that much going on at the moment.  We’re just taking care of little details like closing out utilities and such.  We’re also going for gelato and walks almost every day, enjoying the area as much as we can in the time we have left.  I thought the novelty of downtown Verona would wear off over time, but I’m as enamoured today as I was the first day.  Maybe more, in fact, because I know some of the history now.  All I can say is that I’ll be sad to leave and look forward to coming back to visit.  It will be on my dime next time, but there was so much here that we didn’t get to see that we’ve decided to come back anyway.  More details and musings later, when I have a little more time!