I’ve moved!

It was the easiest move ever, but not without its trials. I’ve started a proper website, so I won’t be updating this blog. You can find me at wendyblanton.com. I’ll leave this up as an archive, mostly for my own reference and edification. I have a lot of history in these pages. I hope to see you in my new digs!

The Not Glamorous Part

Lest you think the latest developments have been all fun and games, let me assure you it’s not. Actually, my years with the USAF prepared me for this. It’s a fair amount of hurry up and wait. We’ve had two more rounds of editing and are currently waiting for the cover artist to work his magic. 

So it’s mostly more of the same–editing, writing, trying (in vain) to catch up on housework, gardening, and keeping this wee beastie fed. It’s not as easy as you might think.