The Ada book signing went great! We had a good turn-out–better than I expected, considering Ada is one of those “can’t get there from here towns.” It’s adorable, to be sure, and apparently everyone supports everyone else because we even had trick-or-treaters come. I didn’t get as many pictures as I would have liked since I was busy signing books. I signed my name so much I felt like I was buying a house. Somehow I managed to not get a single picture of Gail Henderson, who was our social butterfly and worked the crowd beautifully. Thanks to Gail, Stephen Bagley, Jean Schara, and Tammy Jones (who joined us via Skype) for making it a memorable evening!

book signing food

book signing food











Book Table

Book Table











Jean and Stephen talking to Tammy via Skype

Jean and Stephen talking to Tammy via Skype










Stephen with R-tutu-D-tutu

Stephen with R-tutu-D-tutu